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Use OpenAI o3- mini in ChatGPT

Explore this step-by-step guide to understand how to use OpenAI o3 mini in ChatGPT.

Open the website www.ChatGPT.com

In the message bar, type any message, say, music. Press enter.

You will get a message from ChatGPT. Now click switch model and select o3-mini. Refer Figure 1.

Figure 1

Click o3-mini for reasoning. You will get the following response. Refer Figure 2.

Figure 2

Figure 3

In ChatGPT, if you want to be redirected to o3-mini, follow the following steps:

a) Click Reason, and

b) enter your question in the message bar.

You will be by default redirected to o3-mini. You will get a reasoned response as shown in Figure 3.