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Use Smart Compose in web-based Gmail in Computer/laptop
Smart Compose uses machine learning and offers suggestions while writing messages. Thus, smart compose offers suggestions while writing messages, and helps to write faster.
Pros of Smart Compose
Smart Compose is available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese.
Cons of Smart Compose
Smart Compose is not designed to provide answers and may not always predict factually correct information.
On your Computer/laptop, open Gmail.
At the top right, click Settings.
Scroll down and click See all Settings.
Click General tab. Scroll down to Smart Compose.
Click the radio button beside Writing suggestions on.
If you want to turn off Smart Compose, click the radio button beside
Writing suggestions off.
Smart Compose Personalization provides customized instructions to enhance the style of your writing. Such instructions are specified for your account and only you can view and access them. Such suggestions can neither be viewed nor accessed by any other users of your network or administrators of your organization.
1. If you want customized suggestions for your writing, scroll down to Smart Compose Personalization.
2. Select the radio button beside Personalization on.
3. If you do not want any customized suggestions, click the radio button beside Personalization off.

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