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Learn how to improve email sorting in gmail

The sorting of emails in gmail inbox can be improved further. Sorting can be done by the following ways:

  • move a message into a different category,

  • star important emails to mark important emails so that you can see them later,

  • set up a filter that will indicate emails from specific senders as important,

  • add/remove senders to Google Contacts,

  • reply to sender, recipient, or multiple recipients.

In this blog you will learn how to move a message into a different category

Move a message into a different category

Drag an email from one category to another and drop in the category of your choice.

Hold the mouse on top of the email which you want to move. Drag the mouse.

Drop the message in Social.

As soon as the message is dropped in Social, a notification appears in the bottom left corner stating that conversation moved to Social. Whether future messages from this sender will be sent to Social?

Click Yes, if you want the emails from this sender to be under Social category. Click Undo if you want the emails from this sender to be in the previous category, which is Primary category in this example.