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Learn how to use Canva to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos, etc.

Canva is a graphic design tool which can be used as photo & video editor. It consists of numerous unique templates for resume, presentations, Instagram reels, invitation or other creative digital art ideas.

This blog is a step by step guide on how to choose templates and prepare powerpoint presentation in canva.

Type canva.com in the address bar of your web browser.

On top right corner, click sign up. The Log in or sign up window appears.

After sign up, you will be directed to the home page of canva tool.

Click Templates from the vertical menu bar on the left side of the home page as shown below.

Under Templates, click Business. Click Presentation as shown in the

adjacent figure.

The window for presentation templates opens. You can select the type of presentation template.

In the above screenshot, the presentation type chosen is Simple. However, you can choose any presentation type.

Simple Presentation Templates window opens. Click on a template of your choice.

The Presentation template window opens. Click on Customize this template as shown in figure below.

Edit the presentation.

To Save the presentation in Canva, click File (on top left corner of the webpage) and Save. Refer the figure below.